Thursday, September 22, 2011

Being Content in the Wait

Everything in life happens for a reason and most things last only for a season. The problem is we want to define how long a season should last. We desire to live our lives as if we can skip from 1st grade to 12th grade, as if none of the training gained in grades 2nd through 11th is necessary. We go through phases, or various states of being for a reason. God uses them to grow and develop us.

While it's true most single women desire to be married, very few prepare to be a wife. Use this time to prepare to be the wife God is calling you to be.

So many marriages end in divorce and I believe a major reason is that people rush in to marriage simply because they're tired of being single. They often are in love with the idea of being married but don't want to do what it takes to make a marriage work.

Others are in such a hurry to be married that they will marry just about anyone that comes along then wonder why they are so miserable. You've tried everything else, now try waiting on God.

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