Monday, September 12, 2011

Living a Life of Happiness

One reason many people are so anxious to find a mate, is because they believe it is the doorway to happiness. They have fallen for the illusion that happiness will be achieved when their prince or princess rides in on a white horse and whisks them away to marital bliss. So, instead of embracing life's precious moments, and living life with passion and purpose each day, they sit in the holding pattern of discontent. This is a choice.

Each day we have to make that conscious choice to be happy, to focus on the positives, not the negatives. Granted, there are times when sadness is justified. Accept that the human experience can be challenging, difficult, and flawed, but don't dwell on misery. Sometimes when we feel blue, it is because we are transforming and "shedding our old skin" and growing into something better. We don't understand what is happening, and we temporarily feel a loss of our old selves. It is ok to feel a little blue during periods of transformation and contemplation of the self, especially when it means letting go of our old comfort zone, even if it wasn't serving us a positive purpose.

But if you wish to add romantic love to your life, start by loving yourself, because happy, caring, loving people attract happy, caring, loving people.

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